Wednesday, September 23, 2015

NHD Tip of the Day #6: Focus of Your Sources

Not all of your sources will be focussed like a laser beam on your topic.

For example let's say you were doing 

"Lord Nelson's Encounter with Napoleon's Fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar"

Before you can get into this narrow topic you might need a source that is pretty broad and gives you some context (the "backstory") of the bigger picture. 

Broad - Like the sun shining on your topic.
Maybe something like this:

Then . . .

Narrower - Like a flashlight shining on your topic.
Zoom in a little tighter:

Finally . . .
Zoom in like a laser beam on your topic.

So . . . 

  • Every one of your sources may not be exactly focussed on your topic. 
  • You need other sources to inform you about the context of your topic and other background information.